The page for all news-thirsty people
If you don’t have a product or service that you think we should have – please get in touch and tell us! We’re always open to suggestions and ideas that can help us become as good a partner as possible for you. Hope to hear from you soon!
Promoco Scandinavia closed for Christmas between December 23, 2024 -January 1, 2025.
Svevik Industri AB Acquires Promoco Scandinavia AB
Premium IP68 GR487 Cooling Fans from Sunon
Ingun Automatic opener/closer
Welcome to Helsinki 3-5 May
Alihankinta trade fair 21-23 September
We are closed today June 4
High End TIM!
Projoy PEFS Firefighter safety switch
Thermoelectric modules
Hetai Motors’ new product catalogue
New Sarcon GR130A material from Fujipoly
RF-probes for 5G applications from INGUN
New Sarcon PG45A material from Fujipoly
Gacia Type B RCCB
Promoco is back to 100% working time
Premium IP68 GR487 Cooling Fans from Sunon
Alihankinta trade fair 21-23 September
High End TIM!
Thermoelectric modules
New Sarcon GR130A material from Fujipoly
New Sarcon PG45A material from Fujipoly
Low-noice & High-efficiency blower
Low vibration, high-efficiency and energy-saving fan
Centrifugal fans
Hetai Motors’ new product catalogue
New range of frameless-outer-rotor brushless DC-motors